This website has been designed to help you make Liqueurs at home very easily. It can take weeks, even months to make some liqueurs but we have been working on a method that allows you to enjoy some liqueurs the same day, if not the next. Step inside and see how easy it is to produce a high-quality homemade liqueur.

Featured Recipes


Herb Liqueur

Do you grow your own herbs and find you have more than you can use before they go to seed? Forget drying them or

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Vanilla Liqueur

Everybody likes vanilla ice cream but when the weather gets colder this way of getting your vanilla fix seems much more comforting! Ingredients: 700ml

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Traditionally served at Christmas or New Year but why not have a glass (or two) whenever you fancy, it’s so easy to make. Ingredients:

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Watermelon Liqueur

Watermelons are delicious and refreshing, especially on a really hot day, but they are often just too large to eat before they start to

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Rhubarb Liqueur

Everybody knows what goes with Rhubard… Custard, right?! No, silly, it’s Gin! Ingredients: 700ml Gin 500g Rhubarb 50mm Ginger, peeled and cut into strips

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Persimmon Liqueur

Have you ever heard of a Persimmon? No, neither had we until we went travelling in Spain where they are everywhere. What do you

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Fig Liqueur

Syrup of Figs is known to be good for your digestion so I can’t see why this liqueur wouldn’t have the same health giving

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Blackcurrant Liqueur

How about making your very own squash, with a twist… Ingredients: 700ml Vodka 250g Blackcurrants 200g Granulated sugar 1 cinnamon stick Slow Method: Wash the

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Nectarine Liqueur

Nectarines are very similar to peaches, except they dont have that lovely furry coat. They do, however, make just as good liqueurs! Ingredients: 700ml

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Apricot Liqueur

Apricots are similar to peaches, only smaller, and are used as a jam to stick icing to marzipan when decorating cakes. Well, that was

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