


Traditionally served at Christmas or New Year but why not have a glass (or two) whenever you fancy, it’s so easy to make. Ingredients: 100ml Brandy 50g Sugar  4 Egg Yolks 1 tsp Vanilla Essence 397g can of Condensed Milk Method: Put the sugar in a saucepan with 75ml water. Simmer until the sugar has […]

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Persimmon Liqueur

Have you ever heard of a Persimmon? No, neither had we until we went travelling in Spain where they are everywhere. What do you do with them? The answer is that you eat them whole, skin and all, and they are delicious. But, if you are not feeling adventurous, they also make an amazing liqueur

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Apricot Liqueur

Apricots are similar to peaches, only smaller, and are used as a jam to stick icing to marzipan when decorating cakes. Well, that was the only time I had ever used them but my eyes have been opened and I would like to share the experience! Ingredients: 700ml Brandy 12 fresh apricots, washed 200g Granulated

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Pineapple Liqueur

Pineapples make us think of holidays in the sun, laying by the pool with a drink in your hand. Why not give this liqueur a go and you can experience that exotic drink at any time in your own back garden! Ingredients: 700ml Brandy Really Ripe Pineapple 250g Granulated sugar to 450g Pineapple 2 Cloves

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Orange Liqueur

Do you find you don’t always eat all of the oranges in the large bag from the supermarket? Don’t dispair, we have the solution! Ingredients: 700ml Brandy 3-4 sweet Oranges 200g Granulated sugar 350ml water Slow Method: Wash the oranges and slice them into 4 to 6 pieces and add to a 1l Kilner Jar.

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Ginger Brandy

Ginger is a flowering plant whose rhizome, ginger root or ginger, is widely used as a spice and a folk medicine. It is a herbaceous perennial which grows annual pseudostems about one meter tall bearing narrow leaf blades. The ginger will need peeling (use a teaspoon) and slicing before use. Alternatively use crystalised ginger, you

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Cherry Liqueur

Sweet cherries and warming brandy. If using fresh cherries you will need to remove the stalks and rinse them in clean water. Just cut around the skin leaving the stones intact. Ingredients: 700ml Brandy 500g Cherrys 200g Granulated sugar Slow Method: Prepare the cherries as above and add to a 1l Kilner Jar. Add the

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