

Herb Liqueur

Do you grow your own herbs and find you have more than you can use before they go to seed? Forget drying them or freezing them in ice cubes, try this ingenious way of preserving them… in alcohol! Ingredients: 700ml Vodka 10g fresh spearmint 2g fresh tarragon 2g fresh thyme 3g fresh sage 2g fresh […]

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Watermelon Liqueur

Watermelons are delicious and refreshing, especially on a really hot day, but they are often just too large to eat before they start to turn. Here we have the ideal solution to use up the leftovers. Ingredients: 700ml Vodka 500g Watermeon, seeds removed 200g Granulated sugar Slow Method: Peel the Watermelon, remove the seeds, cut

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Pomegranate Liqueur

This recipe is a bit fiddly as you have to extract those little seeds and then crush them, to let out the flavour into the liqueur, but I think you will agree that it was worth it in the end. Ingredients: 700ml Vodka 6 Pomegranates Zest of 1 Lemon Small Cinnamon stick 200g Granulated sugar

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Fig Liqueur

Syrup of Figs is known to be good for your digestion so I can’t see why this liqueur wouldn’t have the same health giving properties!! Ingredients: 700ml Vodka 250g Fresh Figs 200g Granulated sugar 1 Vanilla Pod 1 Cinnamon Stick Slow Method: Rinse the Figs, cut in quarters, and add to a 1l Kilner Jar.

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Blackcurrant Liqueur

How about making your very own squash, with a twist… Ingredients: 700ml Vodka 250g Blackcurrants 200g Granulated sugar 1 cinnamon stick Slow Method: Wash the blackcurrants, pick them over for spoiled fruit and add to a 1l Kilner Jar. Add the sugar, cinnamon stick and Vodka. Put into a cool dark place and leave for 3

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Quince Liqueur

Not many people know much about Quinces but they can be made into a very nice fruit preserve. They can also be used to make an interesting liqueur so, if you know someone with a quince tree, you might want to get to know them better! Ingredients: 700ml Vodka 600g Quince 2 Lemons, zest and

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Passionfruit Liqueur

Passionfruits are small and wrinkly and look hard to deal with but we think we have found the ideal use for them… Ingredients: 700ml Vodka 12 Passionfruit 200g Granulated sugar 350ml water Vanilla bean, scraped Slow Method: Scrape out the pulp from the passionfruit and add to a Kilner Jar. Add the vanilla seeds and Vodka.

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apple pie

Apple Pie Liqueur

We all love Apple Pie but they are time consuming to make. Not to worry, we think we have found the perfect solution! Ingredients: 500ml Vodka 4 Granny Smith apples sliced 3 Cinnamon sticks 250ml Water 80g White sugar Slow Method: Core and slice the apples and add to a 1l Kilner Jar. Add the remaining ingredients. Put

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white chocolate

White Chocolate Liqueur

This rich and creamy White Chocolate Liqueur is just the thing for when the kid turns into the ‘Milky Bar Grown-Up’! Ingredients: 500ml Vodka 225g White chocolate, choose good quality chocolate with a high cocoa butter content (not palm oil) 240ml Whipping cream 240ml Whole milk or alternative milk 4Tbsp Vanilla extract 6Tbsp Granulated sugar

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Pear Liqueur

Pears, like apples, make amazing desserts, from pies to crumbles. They also make amazing drinks like cider but they are just as good made into a liqueur. Ingredients: 1 large pear, the Williams variety is perfect for this, though any pear will do in a crisis! 1/2 cinnamon stick 1/4 nutmeg broken into small pieces

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