Lime Liqueur


This is a slightly tarter version of Limoncello


  • 700ml Vodka
  • 8 unwaxed Limes
  • 750g sugar
  • 700ml boiling water

Slow Method:

  1. Pare the zest from all the Limes, taking care not to include any white pith. Put the zest into a Kilner Jar.
  2. Add the Vodka and leave for a week in a cool dark place.
  3. Shake the jar every day until the sugar has dissolved
  4. Put the sugar in a heatproof bowl and pour over the boiling water, stirring until the sugar has dissolved.
  5. Add the vodka and peel and leave for a further week, shaking the jar regularly.
  6. Strain into a clean bottle and test for taste. Add extra sugar if needed.
  7. Enjoy your Lime Liqueur

Fast Method:

  1. Pare the zest from all the Limes, taking care not to include any white pith. Put the zest into a Kilner Jar.
  2. Add the Vodka and sugar.
  3. Put into a water bath at 65°C for 3 hours.
  4. Strain into a clean bottle and test for taste. Add extra sugar if needed.
  5. Enjoy your Lime Liqueur

Lucy’s Top Tip: Try substituting the Vodka for Gin, Rum, or Brandy.

Drink responsibly and enjoy