

Herb Liqueur

Do you grow your own herbs and find you have more than you can use before they go to seed? Forget drying them or

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Watermelon Liqueur

Watermelons are delicious and refreshing, especially on a really hot day, but they are often just too large to eat before they start to

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Fig Liqueur

Syrup of Figs is known to be good for your digestion so I can’t see why this liqueur wouldn’t have the same health giving

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Blackcurrant Liqueur

How about making your very own squash, with a twist… Ingredients: 700ml Vodka 250g Blackcurrants 200g Granulated sugar 1 cinnamon stick Slow Method: Wash the

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Quince Liqueur

Not many people know much about Quinces but they can be made into a very nice fruit preserve. They can also be used to

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Drink responsibly and enjoy